Monday, February 7, 2011

A little about me

I am full of conflicting beliefs. I believe all living things have a right to live, except spiders. We have fly swatters now so they really aren’t needed and spiders seriously freak me out. I am pro choice, which also conflicts with my ‘right to life’ stance; to further contradict myself I would not personally have an abortion. I couldn’t do it – at least I don’t think I could, I will not speak for my potential frame of mind if I were impregnated by a rapist. But I am not arrogant enough to force my decision upon anyone else.
I hate people that hate people. Yup, you read that right. Racists, homophobes, religious extremists and anyone that is pro-genocide can go right ahead and kiss my ass. You hate an entire group of people? Well then I hate you, how you like ‘dem apples? Granted, my hate is not nearly as loud and definitely not as violent as theirs, but it’s there and it makes me happy.
I am pro second amendment rights, but see no need for guns capable of killing a dozen people in a matter of seconds to be available. You want a gun for protection? Fine, here is a muzzle loader circa 1760, all the protection you need and no risk of drive by’s. Automatic weapons in my opinion are for cowards and homicidal maniacs. Let see how many blind rage shootings there are when you have to pack powder into a barrel.
An environmentalist SUV driver. An activist that refuses to picket. A psychology student that can’t handle listening to people that always whine. A suburban housewife with a punk rock soul. A cynical optimist. The list goes on and on, I am a complicated woman that leads a simple life, and I like it that way.