Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Only the Pretty Need Apply

Since when does equality mean we get to fuck with everyone’s self esteem? Has anyone noticed that there is not a single leading man in movies or on television that is not forced to walk around shirtless to be oogled by the masses? Where is the same outcry for these men that was heard when Hollywood created the “feminine ideal”? Maybe I am a disgrace to the feminist movement, but this shit bothers me. Sorry Mr. Talented Actor Guy you must be six-packed, oiled up, waxed and young to work in this business! Don’t believe me? Google image search any actor that has gotten main stream work in the last couple years. I’ll wait (and yes Zach Galifianakis is exempt from this rule but he had to do a full photo shoot in a red bathing suit so give a guy a break, huh?).

It’s not just the current incarnation of the let’s-make-men-feel-bad-about-themselves plague that has bothered me. I hated Everyone Loves Raymond, hated it; because his wife was a fire breathing thunder cunt that emasculated him at every turn! His parents had the exact same relationship and his brother was the nice guy with confidence issues…wonder why! Ricky was never that much of a dick to Lucy, Ralph threatened to send Alice to the moon, but there wasn’t the same constant berating like there is now. This backlash of venom that makes it seem like all men are idiots is ridiculous enough, now they have to be pretty too? Have we not stopped to think of what this is going to do to our SONS?

I am not above enjoying the scenery of a sexy man (True Blood is one of my favorite shows for fuck’s sake!). But I am tired of this double standard, again. Equal means equal, not “we’re gonna show you what it was like to be treated like meat”. Men are not stupid, pretty things to look at and neither are women. Grow up feminists and remember we don’t want to be valued only for our beauty, so we can’t inflict that on men.

**A big thank you to Eric from My Road 2 Fatherhood for inspiring me to write again. Check out his blog too!**